—Epidemic Sound

New name. New face. And new hype!

Internet’s own favourite stock music service, Epidemic Sound, had just undergone a big facelift and needed a kick ass hype reel to go with it.

So, armed with some bumping tunes, a bunch of videos and some shiny new branding, we created this 60 sec smash up of some of their favourite stuff.

Video, story and post.

Since the reel would go out in several channels, both as videop, posts and story —the design and edits needed to adapt to different aspect ratios and audio tracks.

15 Sec

60 Sec


Production                         Kurppa Hosk/JA!
Design                                Johan Alenius
Original Branding              Kurppa Hosk         
Music Mix                          Johan Alenius
Original Music                   'Bird Flex' and 'Schhh' by Bonkers Beat Club
                                            'Forex' by Xavy Rusan

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